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Would you like to volunteer your time to help with the Festival?  Here's your chance! We'd love to have interested individuals help out and join our ever-growing team, from seniors to students.


We are always eager for more help in a variety of ways. From students wanting to learn about the film industry, to retirees and others who have varied backgrounds in fields such as business or the arts, we have numerous ways you can volunteer. From introducing films to our audiences, to participating and leading in filmmakers' Q&As, to helping with sales and promotion, or simply using your "people skills" in any number of ways to enhance the film-going experience of our Festival attendees, we'd love to have you join us.





One of the most important aspects of volunteering for our Festival is to become a Home Stay Host.  Many of our filmmakers come from all over the world, and we are proud to offer them home stays if you have an extra room or extra space, such as a casita, that could house our guests for up to a week's time. To find out more information on volunteering, and to possibly offer your home as a Home Stay Host, please email us at to learn.  We love our volunteers, and we'd love to have you become a part of our growing AmDocs team.


"We enjoyed the documentaries at the film festival very much! Our guest Angela Hsieh was delightful and spent 6 days with us. She had a great time & when she was home here, our dog kept her company. She went for walks with our dog as well.

We fully expect to see her again here, or in the Bay Area.

We’re excited to host again in 2025."


Hans & Hilda


"I had a very nice time with Jonathan Riles as my guest.  Despite our 40 year age difference, we had plenty to talk about and easily found common interests.  We also learned from each other.  

I don't know if i will be able to host next year, have granddaughter and great grandkids moving in for several months.  But I will sign up to volunteer.


I saw some really wonderful films, including Dawn Dusk and The Opener (which reminded me of my late husband, a poet and busker)."


Michele Nobleman


"For the past couple years we have hosted Eddie Oleschak who is delightful.  2024 he has an amazing partner, Laurel Roselle.  We adore them and look forward to hosting them next season. "






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HomeStay Host Program

To volunteer, please copy and e-mail us at:

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